Seats by political group - 2014-2019 Greece - Outgoing Parliament

Bar chart

Total seats

Political groups in the European Parliament

  • EPP - Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
  • S&D - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
  • ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists Group
  • ALDE - Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
  • GUE/NGL - Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left
  • Greens/EFA - Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance
  • EFDD - Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group
  • ENF - Europe of Nations and Freedom Group
  • NI - Non-attached Members

According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States.

Seats by political group
Political groups in the European Parliament Number of seats
S&D 4
NI 5

Political groups in the European Parliament

  • EPP - Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
  • S&D - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
  • ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists Group
  • ALDE - Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
  • GUE/NGL - Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left
  • Greens/EFA - Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance
  • EFDD - Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group
  • ENF - Europe of Nations and Freedom Group
  • NI - Non-attached Members

According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States.

Source: European Parliament

Breakdown of national parties and political groups - 2014-2019 Greece - Outgoing Parliament

Composition of national seats in the European Parliament, divided into Political Groups and National parties
National Parties
Ν.Δ/N.D 5
To Πoτάμι/To Potami 2
X.A. 2
Greece - The Alternative Road 1
Ind. 1
ΛΑ.Ε./LA.E. 1
ΜέΡΑ25/MeRA25 1
5 4 1 0 6 0 0 0 5 21

National Parties

  • Ν.Δ/N.D - Νέα Δημοκρατία
  • SY.RIZ.A. - Συνασπισμός Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς
  • KKE - Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας
  • To Πoτάμι/To Potami - Το ποτάμι
  • X.A. - Χρυσή Αυγή
  • ΠΑΣΟΚ / PASOK - Πανελλήνιο Σοσιαλιστικό Κίνημα
  • Greece - The Alternative Road - ΕΛΛΑΔΑ-Ο ΑΛΛΟΣ ΔΡΟΜΟΣ
  • Ind. - Independent
  • ΛΑ.Ε./LA.E. - Λαϊκή Ενότητα
  • ΜέΡΑ25/MeRA25 - Μέτωπο Ευρωπαϊκής Ρεαλιστικής Ανυπακοής
  • ΠΑΤ.ΡΙ.Ε./PAT.RI.E. - Πατριωτική Ριζοσπαστική Ένωση

Political groups in the European Parliament

  • EPP - Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
  • S&D - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
  • ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists Group
  • ALDE - Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
  • GUE/NGL - Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left
  • Greens/EFA - Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance
  • EFDD - Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group
  • ENF - Europe of Nations and Freedom Group
  • NI - Non-attached Members

According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States.

Composition of national seats in the European Parliament, divided into Political Groups and National parties
Political groups in the European Parliament Number of seats
GUE/NGL - Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left 6
National parties which are members of this Political Group
SY.RIZ.A. Συνασπισμός Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς 3
ΛΑ.Ε./LA.E. Λαϊκή Ενότητα 1
ΜέΡΑ25/MeRA25 Μέτωπο Ευρωπαϊκής Ρεαλιστικής Ανυπακοής 1
Ind. Independent 1
EPP - Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 5
National parties which are members of this Political Group
Ν.Δ/N.D Νέα Δημοκρατία 5
S&D - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament 4
National parties which are members of this Political Group
To Πoτάμι/To Potami Το ποτάμι 2
ΠΑΣΟΚ / PASOK Πανελλήνιο Σοσιαλιστικό Κίνημα 2
ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists Group 1
National parties which are members of this Political Group
Greece - The Alternative Road ΕΛΛΑΔΑ-Ο ΑΛΛΟΣ ΔΡΟΜΟΣ 1
NI - Non-attached Members 5
National parties which are members of this Political Group
KKE Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας 2
X.A. Χρυσή Αυγή 2
ΠΑΤ.ΡΙ.Ε./PAT.RI.E. Πατριωτική Ριζοσπαστική Ένωση 1

According to Parliament's rules of procedure, a political group shall consist of at least 23 Members elected in at least seven Member States.

Source: European Parliament